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Old 04-29-2007, 07:24 AM   #13
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Re: The Marijuana Smoker's Thread

Originally Posted by GoLdpHiShDMB View Post
This pussy voluntarily showed up at my drug and alcohol classes... and had the balls to say his problem was smoking marijuana and he needed help to stop. I almost slapped him in the face. You've got a room full of alcoholics and crackheads, and he's over here talkin about weed.

w/ all due respect, and I know we've all seen the "Half Baked" scene, given the programming that the government puts across vis-a-vis the Drug Czar (Office of National Drug Control Policy, or the Office of Nationalized Drug Brainwashing Police Statists as I like to call it), marijuana is supposed to be one of the worst drugs of all? Why don't we see anti-cocaine commercials? In the 80s, the "This is your brain on drugs" commercial with the egg and the frying pan sticks in my head the most vividly. This commercial was responsible for the largest upswing in cocaine sales in years. Does this tell us anything?

It tells me that if you tell someone not to do something, it makes them want to do it even more. God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the poison tree, and what did they do? They ate it. You tell a kid not to go fishing in the cookie jar and he'll be in there the first chance he gets. These newest wave of anti-jane programming are ridiculous, especially the yellow cartoon with the dog talking to his owner and the horrible music...WORST...COMMERCIAL...EVER. This commericial actually depresses me into toking up.

You can't begin to understand the pyschological dependence that marijuana causes - it's stronger than the physical/chemical addiction of some drugs for certain people. It can aggravate a prexisting psychosis or neurosis. It can ruin people's lives. Before I was placed on other meds I used to use it way too much. I've learned a balance now, a moderation, and I use it as a carrot and stick, a reward for getting things done. Now, yes, I believe that marijuana is probably the least harmful "drug" there is when used responsibly and in the proper form, but to say that someone is a pussy because they showed up to an NA meeting/drug class voluntarily just for that is, well, a little misinformed. If anything, this person has exhibited courage, probably thinking about what ridicule they might receive from more serious users or people with deeper problems. But the fact that they're getting help now, before turning to a deeper, darker drug (not saying it's a gateway, but I've been to the point where nothing green can placate me and I've moved beyond) or doing something else destructive, is a big step.

If someone can't quit it, it's probably because there are other problems in their life. Maybe they have an addictive personality, maybe they smoke to deal with shit. It's an easy problem to nip in the bud because there is no chemical addiction. I'd suggest that this person go to a psychiatrist/psychologist rather than group rehab, or a specific group targeted for marijuana users, such as a nar-acon cannabis group.

I'll admit if someone walked into a meeting like that I'd naturally wonder why, but I'd probably push them more toward what I said above.

I believe that cannabis just isn't for some people - some are too dumb to use it, some are too irresponsible, and some are too psycho to use it. I've seen personalities completely change for the worse.

Anyway, finals suck.
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