Forums - Dave Matthews Band Discussion - Smilies

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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:popcorn Popcorn Popcorn
:evil Devil Grin [ :evil ] Devil Grin [ :evil ]
:) Smilie [ :) ] Smilie [ :) ]
:lorraine Cry [ :lorraine ] Cry [ :lorraine ]
:bounce Bounce [ :bounce ] Bounce [ :bounce ]
:rattle Rattled Rattled
:confused Confused [ :confused ] Confused [ :confused ]
:shrug Oh Well [ :shrug ] Oh Well [ :shrug ]
:freak Freak [ :freak ] Freak [ :freak ]
:droids droid droid
:eek EEK! [ :eek ] EEK! [ :eek ]
:thumbsdow Thumbs Down [ :thumbsdow ] Thumbs Down [ :thumbsdow ]
:devil Devil [ :devil ] Devil [ :devil ]
:mad Mad [ :mad ] Mad [ :mad ]
:thumbsup Thumbs Up [ :thumbsup ] Thumbs Up [ :thumbsup ]
:leroi Angel [ :leroi ] Angel [ :leroi ]
:grimey Frank Grimes Frank Grimes
:rolleyes Roll Eyes/Sarcastic [ :rolleyes ] Roll Eyes/Sarcastic [ :rolleyes ]
:twak Thwak! [ :twak ] Thwak! [ :twak ]
:multi Multi [ :multi ] Multi [ :multi ]
:scorpio Scorpio Scorpio
:cool Cool [ :cool ] Cool [ :cool ]
:BANG Bang Head [ :BANG ] Bang Head [ :BANG ]
:hug Hug [ :hug ] Hug [ :hug ]
:gonnacall ghostbuster ghostbuster
:p Stick Out Tongue [ :p ] Stick Out Tongue [ :p ]
:banned Banned [ :banned ] Banned [ :banned ]
:haha Ha [ :haha ] Ha [ :haha ]
:snot snlf snlf
;) Wink [ ;) ] Wink [ ;) ]
:ugh Ugh [ :ugh ] Ugh [ :ugh ]
:violent Violent [ :violent ] Violent [ :violent ]
:trap :trap :trap
:D Big Grin [ :D ] Big Grin [ :D ]
:monkey Monkey [ :monkey ] Monkey [ :monkey ]
:Ricky Luigi Luigi
:babe Piggy [ :babe ] Piggy [ :babe ]
:hump Hump [ :hump ] Hump [ :hump ]
:o Embarrassment [ :o ] Embarrassment [ :o ]
:ggoat Golden Goat [ :ggoat ] Golden Goat [ :ggoat ]
:washer ballwasher ballwasher
:lol L.O.L. [ :lol ] L.O.L. [ :lol ]
:( Frown [ :( ] Frown [ :( ]
:goat Goat [ :goat ] Goat [ :goat ]
:eiffeltower High Five [:eiffeltower] High Five [:eiffeltower]
:twenty4 24 [:twenty4] 24 [:twenty4]

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