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Spring 1995

Opener: Big Head Todd and the Monsters

36 unique songs performed so far.

Show 22 of 49

1st show at this venue

16 Songs / 11.62 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 16 of 47 (47.79)

This show has an overall rarity index of 29.60

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 37.84

This show became unique with So Much To Say
(DF: 2 Rarity: 25.98)

Total Song Time: 1 hours, 44 minutes, 48 seconds

April 14, 1995
April 15, 1995
April 16, 1995
April 17, 1995
April 17, 1995

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Taper: Bill Lakenan  
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Dave Matthews Band
Sunday, April 16, 1995
Wilmington Fairgrounds, Wilmington, NC
+/- (?) Song Time      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. One Sweet World 8:34     3 of 4     1 of 1 9
2. So Much To Say 4:22     11 of 13     1 of 1 3
3. Tripping Billies 4:31     11 of 29     1 of 1 2
4. Recently ...>2:43     16 of 37     1 of 1 2
5. Water Into Wine ...>1:50     7 of 13     1 of 1 2
6. Lie In Our Graves 7:50     9 of 16     1 of 1 2
7. Rhyme and Reason 5:14     16 of 31     1 of 1 2
8. Dancing Nancies 8:54     17 of 40     1 of 1 2
9. What Would You Say 3:53     9 of 21     1 of 1 1
10. Satellite 4:49     14 of 30     1 of 1 2
11. #41 ...>5:32     2 of 8     1 of 1 6 known as 41 police to fans at the time
12. Jimi Thing 15:27     16 of 36     1 of 1 2
13. Warehouse (Tease) ...>8:27     14 of 35     2 of 2 3 Teased a tiny portion of Warehouse, went into Ants, and then did Warehouse again.
14. Ants Marching 6:20     18 of 42     1 of 1 1
15. E: Warehouse ...>8:27     14 of 35     2 of 2 3
16. E: All Along The Watchtower 7:55     8 of 21     1 of 1 5
Show Notes
Any version of this show is rare
This show was scheduled for 4.15, but pushed back a day (to Sunday) to accommodate the Saturday Night Live performance.


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