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Winter 1993

44 unique songs performed so far.

Show 18 of 47

1st show at this venue

18 Songs / 12.67 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 23 of 46 (33.89)

This show has an overall rarity index of 23.69

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 24.01

This show became unique with Ants Marching
(DF: 2 Rarity: 20.86)

Total Song Time: 2 hours, 15 minutes, 29 seconds

February 9, 1993
February 10, 1993
February 11, 1993
February 12, 1993
February 13, 1993

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Dave Matthews Band
Thursday, February 11, 1993
Sigma Phi - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
+/- (?) Song Time      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. All Along The Watchtower 6:45     8 of 20     1 of 1 1
2. Ants Marching 6:34     11 of 27     1 of 1 1
3. Help Myself 4:50     9 of 16     1 of 1 1
4. One Sweet World 5:37     11 of 29     1 of 1 1
5. So Much To Say 4:57     12 of 20     1 of 1 1
6. Two Step 13:00     9 of 20     1 of 1 1
7. Granny 3:37     12 of 31     1 of 1 2
8. True Reflections 6:02     12 of 25     1 of 1 2
9. What Would You Say ...>5:10     6 of 17     1 of 1 2
10. The Song That Jane Likes 3:08     4 of 12     1 of 1 9
11. Best of What's Around 6:33     8 of 10     1 of 1 1
12. Jimi Thing 13:02     3 of 19     1 of 1 10
13. Rhyme and Reason 15:16     9 of 20     1 of 1 1
14. Recently ...>8:57     11 of 25     1 of 1 2
15. Jam ...>6:53     3 of 5     1 of 1 14 Spacey jam
16. Typical Situation 8:36     4 of 10     1 of 1 2
17. Lie In Our Graves 8:00     12 of 29     1 of 1 2 Mary Had A Little Lamb Interpolation
18. Warehouse 8:32     10 of 26     1 of 1 2
Show Notes
This show was traded for years claiming to be at a frat house at UVA. That tape also ended with Typical, which was believed for years to be the show closer.


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