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Spring 2002

Opener: Yerba Buena

32 unique songs performed so far.

Show 4 of 35

5th show at this venue

17 Songs / 19.58 Avg.
Tour Rarity: 2 of 33 (33.48)

This show has an overall rarity index of 21.40

This show has a point-in-time rarity index of 39.55

This show became unique with When the World Ends
(DF: 2 Rarity: 51.65)

April 5, 2002
April 7, 2002
April 8, 2002
April 10, 2002
April 12, 2002

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Taper: Chris Jones  
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Congratulations to Jeffdmb who won this show with 32 points!

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Seating Chart
Dave Matthews Band
Monday, April 8, 2002
Fleet Center, Boston, MA
+/- (?) Song      Tour (?)    Venue (?) Last (?) Guests Notes
1. So Much To Say      2 of 15     4 of 4 2 Butch
2. When the World Ends      2 of 16     1 of 1 2 Butch
3. Granny      1 of 10     2 of 5 6 Butch
4. Drive In Drive Out      2 of 14     4 of 4 3 Butch
5. Lover Lay Down      2 of 11     2 of 2 2 Butch
6. Too Much      4 of 22     5 of 5 1 Butch
7. Grace Is Gone      4 of 19     3 of 3 1 Butch
8. Rhyme and Reason      2 of 11     1 of 1 3 Butch
9. Lie In Our Graves      1 of 8     3 of 5 7 Butch
10. Digging a Ditch      1 of 3     1 of 2 8 Butch
11. Grey Street      2 of 26     2 of 5 1 Butch
12. Warehouse      2 of 9     2 of 3 3 Butch Ob La Di Interpolation
13. Where Are You Going      4 of 32     2 of 5 1 Butch
14. I Did It      4 of 24     2 of 2 1 Butch
15. E: Jam ...>     2 of 4     1 of 1 3 Butch could be an early working of Gravedigger, but it's slightly off musically
16. E: The Space Between      4 of 20     2 of 3 1 Butch
17. E: What Would You Say      4 of 18     4 of 6 1 Butch
Show Notes


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