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Song Interpretation
The song is a fun journey through a drug trip. The drug has altered in the song from time to time, but the most common thought would be Marijuana (Heroin referenced dripped in during 1994 versions). A Jimi Thing is a condom, the reference is more of a joke than a literal reference or some homage to Jimi Hendrix. Dave has said that the opening rift did remind band members of a Jimi Hendrix song, but very early versions were actually devoid of the Jimi line.

Song Information
Album: Under the Table and Dreaming
Historical Rarity: 40.0262
Average Slot: 8
Average Length: 14:37

Jimi Thing

  3 Appearances

Date Venue Position Length
DMB 1995-04-18Mud Island River Park Amphitheatre, Memphis, TN814:39
DMB 1995-07-20DMBLive - DMB Mud Island Amphitheatre, Memphis, TN 7/20/1995, Mud Island River Park Amphitheatre, Memphis, TN9
DMB 1996-07-18HORDE Tour, Mud Island River Park Amphitheatre, Memphis, TN812:35


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