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Song Interpretation
Influenced by a party in South Africa and Dave’s Acid influenced experiences. Julia Grey named this song, when after hearing it (w/o the Billies refrain), said it sounded like Hillbillies on Acid. The rumor of the Billie being slang for a British police officer, whereas the slang may be true, it does not apply to the song.

Dave stated during the 1999 Storytellers performance that the line 'Dragons were smoked' is a coy reference to the cartoon (and song) "Puff The Magic Dragon". There was a time when people thought it was slang for smoking pot, so Dave referenced it as such. Without Dave's explanation of the line, one would be hard pressed to guess at the meaning of that obscure line.

Song Information
Album: Remember Two Things
Historical Rarity: 35.541
Average Slot: 10
Average Length: 5:20

Tripping Billies

  6 Appearances


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