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If you haven't yet registered for a FREE account at antsmarching.org, well, what are you waiting for? Here's a short list of some of the e-swag an antsmarching.org account grants you:

  • Personal Tour Stats - Track which shows you've been to, what your rarest shows are, what rare songs you've seen and more!
  • Setlist Game - Take your best shot at guessing the band's sets each night and compete for prizes - every tour.
  • Message Boards - With over 17 million posts, the forum is one of the most happening places on the Internet.
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If you're still not convinced that an antsmarching.org account is worth signing up for, we can't help you. Dementia is a common problem and, well, it's just not our field. But if ya dig what you're reading, head on over to the signup page and get yourself some Ants lovin'. But don't blame us if you don't get any.

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