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Album Breakdown

Tour Stats
Shows Played: 46
Unique Songs Played: 49
Average Rarity Index: 18.79
Ants in Attendance: 286
Most Attended: 1993-01-27 (17)

Tour Show Stats

Movers & Shakers (?)
Kind Intentions +6104.35%
Spotlight +1129.52%
Blue Water Baboon Farm +1018.01%
Improv 6.84%
Lover Lay Down -2.64%
Jimi Thing -3.18%


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Winter 1993

Songs Awaiting Liberation      (View all Liberations)

Shows Since () Days Since Last Played Song ()
1753391993-01-26People People

Date Venue Rating ShowFlow (?) Rarity Rarest Song (?)
Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 42% 11/46Christmas Song
 01/12/1993 C'ville All-Stars, Trax, Charlottesville, VA 9/46Piece Of My Heart
Trax, Charlottesville, VA3 20% 33/46Cry Freedom
 01/20/1993 Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 35% 16/46Jam
Trax, Charlottesville, VA
 01/26/1993 Trax, Charlottesville, VA5 58% 24/46Redemption Song
DMBLive - The Flood Zone, Richmond, VA 1/27/1993, Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 61% 18/46Clean up the Dog Shit
 01/29/1993 Ziggy's, Winston-Salem, NC 91% 29/46Should I Stay Or Should
Zollman's Pavilion at Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA4 26% 14/46Improv
 02/01/1993 Studio Recording (Quad Studios?), Unknown, New York, NY 71% 17/46Kind Intentions
Unknown, Unknown, Unknown 10/46Rhyme and Reason
    02/01/1993 The Balcony, Blacksburg, VA
Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 77% 20/46I'll Back You Up
    02/05/1993 Ritz Power Jam, The Ritz, New York, NY 100% 19/46All Along The Watchtower
Zollman's Pavilion at Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA4 85% 25/46The Maker
 02/09/1993 Trax, Charlottesville, VA4.67 82% 21/46Oopmah-Loompah Theme
Flood Zone, Richmond, VA 86% 28/46Drive In Drive Out
 02/11/1993 Sigma Phi - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC5 83% 23/46Jam
Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA4.5 100% 46/46Ants Marching
 02/13/1993 Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA4 100% 34/46Recently
Trax, Charlottesville, VA5
 02/17/1993 Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 83% 22/46Cry Freedom
Trax, Charlottesville, VA
    02/24/1993 Flood Zone, Richmond, VA
Sigma Alpha Epsilon - University of Georgia, Athens, GA4 30% 27/46The Song That Jane Likes
 02/26/1993 Phi Delta Theta - University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL4.5 100% 44/46Blue Water Baboon Farm
Trax, Charlottesville, VA
 02/27/1993 Phi Delta Theta, Auburn, AL 40/46Also Sprach Zarathustra
The Cat's Cradle, Carrboro, NC 82% 42/46Best of What's Around
 03/02/1993 Trax, Charlottesville, VA 75% 31/46Christmas Song
Flood Zone, Richmond, VA5 80% 30/46Cry Freedom
    03/04/1993 Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, VA3
Kappa Sigma Fraternity House - Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA4 85% 39/46Drive In Drive Out
 03/07/1993 Miguel Valdez Benefit, Flood Zone, Richmond, VA 35% 13/46#34
Miguel Valdez Benefit, Trax, Charlottesville, VA 80% 41/46#34
 03/10/1993 Miguel Valdez Benefit, Flood Zone, Richmond, VA 40% 12/46#34
Chi Phi - University of Georgia, Athens, GA5 84% 35/46Angel From Montgomery
    03/13/1993 The Riverside Amphitheatre, Tuscaloosa, AL3.5
Trax, Charlottesville, VA5 62% 36/46Jam
 03/17/1993 Flood Zone, Richmond, VA 20% 32/46Danny Boy
Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY4 37% 26/46I'll Back You Up
 03/20/1993 Fraternity Court, Chapel Hill, NC 100% 43/46Help Myself
The Bayou, Washington, D.C.
 12/28/1993 Record Exchange, Charlotte, NC 45/46Typical Situation
Pterodactyl Club, Charlotte, NC4 82% 38/46#36
    12/29/1993 Ziggy's, Winston-Salem, NC 71% 15/46Say Goodbye
The Marriott, Richmond, VA5 34% 37/46#36


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